Saturday, October 10, 2020


I was thinking about the GPS in my car. It never gets annoyed at me. If I make a mistake, it says “Recalculating.” And then it tells me to make the soonest left turn and go back.

I thought to myself, you know, I should write a book and call it “Recalculating” because I think that’s what we’re doing all the time, that something happens, it challenges us and the challenge is, OK, so do you want to get mad now?... There’s a fork in the road here. I could become indignant; I could flame up this flame of negativity or I could say, “Recalculating. I’ll just go back there.” 

— Sylvia Boorstein (from the podcast On Being, where Krista Tippett interviews writer and Buddhist teacher Boorstein). 

What a helpful analogy in this tumultuous Covid time. Just sayin’ :) Hugs XO



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