Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Learning, unlearning and relearning...

Fast-thinking may help make us human, but slow-thinking completes our humanity. Hearing is fast — even hearing to extract information is fast — but listening is slow. Reaction with emotion is fast, but reaction with empathy — understanding the experiences of others — is slow. Slow-thinking is typically not just learning. Slow-thinking often begins with unlearning. Looking at the world in a different way — taking in new perspectives, working to resolve contradictory information, just taking time to process our thoughts and take measure of the act of thinking itself — all of these allow us to reshape our brain physically, to dismantle neurological connections and build new ones. Learning alone is not enough; we must complement learning with unlearning and relearning. In many ways, circumstances of the year 2020 have naturally pushed us toward slower thinking...

Sean Decatur (President at Kenyon College) 

What I learned from my favourite therapist is that we don’t necessarily learn all the necessary communication/relationships skills we may need to succeed in our careers/marriages/partnerships from our family of origin. I owe much of my success and fulfillment to the extra education/re-education. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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