Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Getting in touch with important unfelt feelings...

New research suggests why and how you should dig deep into your feelings.

According to a newly published journal article by Katherine Tillman of Northern Arizona University (2020), getting in touch with your “unfelt feelings” may be exactly what you need to do... an unfelt feeling is one that arises independently of your conscious awareness, affecting your actions whether you acknowledge it or not... what if these unfelt feelings lead to behaviours that are not so adaptive? Do you constantly look online for new information about how COVID-19 is spreading? Are you unable to sleep? Do you get angry at people you care about for no apparent reason? Without awareness of your feelings, these unchecked behaviours can take over your life.

— Susan Krause Whitbourne, Ph.D (Psychology Today, posted Oct 13 2020) 

My favourite therapist is a proponent of this philosophy and approach to treatment/improving one’s relationships/level of happiness and well being/success and fulfillment. He also recommends group therapy/relationship workshops, as listening to others’ stories and feelings can help us get in touch with some of our own deeper feelings and underlying issues. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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