Sunday, August 2, 2020

Write your own story...

One powerful micro step is to simply write your own story. Feiler recounts a famous 1986 study by James Pennebaker of the University of Texas at Austin. Pennebaker asked a group of students to write about traumatic experiences in their lives, 15 minutes each evening for four consecutive nights. Though the writing experience was difficult — many cried during the process — one year later, the students had fewer visits to the health center and 70% said they understood themselves better. Follow up studies even showed signs of a stronger immune system.

— Arianna Huffington (Founder and CEO at Thrive Global) 

My favourite therapist recommends writing letters, particularly when there is no possibility of closure; the person we have conflict with has passed on, the person is not open to a discussion or we’re not comfortable having the discussion ourselves. The most powerful letters I’ve written have been to myself from my father (who passed away) and from my mother. The guidance was to write a letter saying all the things I would have wanted to hear from my mother/father, including pet names and terms of affection. It’s quite amazing how this lands emotionally. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 



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