Monday, January 8, 2018

The “Inner Child” and our emotional complexity...

Our lives are shaped, in almost equal measure, by those who have loved us and by those who couldn’t love us.

- Joel Brass (Therapist and Seminar leader)

Joel Brass conducts a seminar called Healing the Original Pain of Your LIfe: The Inner Child Seminar, which explores the following:

* The buried life long pain that we are still carrying around with us.
* How to become unstuck from blaming others for our pain.
* How to begin healing our pain on our own.
* How to be the primary caregiver to your inner child.

Brass contends that our emotional pain from the past lives on in destructive patters that compromise our most important relationships. He says that “we are legitimate victims of our world, of our upbringing, of our ignorance. The victim we are must be attended to and healed.”

I have attended this seminar a few times over the years and I have found that much like a physical injury, the “work” seems to have many layers and most certainly takes time and patience. Just sayin’ :)



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