Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Sunny and sunnier?...

I’ve tackled my Achilles heel (family/upbringing/striving for greater security from within) through various helping professionals for years now. My favourite therapist advises a paradigm shift. Rather than wanting life to be “sunny and sunnier” he says we must embrace both “good” and “bad” emotions because they reveal important information to guide us in our relationships. If we find ourselves angry and/or upset, odds are our boundaries are being crossed and we may need to “address” the issue. Apparently, it is in the best interest of ourself and others to do so. I still prefer “good” emotions and want life to be sunnier, but I’m more tolerant and welcoming of the difficult moments. I can see that my toughest moments in life have led to my happiest life changes. “Addressing” issues continues to be a work in progress, but I can certainly see that great communication/sharing honest feelings and needs tends to strengthen my relationships. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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