Saturday, January 6, 2018

Helping or enabling?...

Sometimes you think you’re helping someone up, but they’re actually pulling you down.

- Steve Maraboli

I have had such an experience, more than once actually. That old saying “God helps those who help themselves” is wise and profound after all (whether you’re religious or not). We can’t do the doing for others, at least not indefinitely. There’s a difference between a temporary set back and a problematic approach to life. I’ve had to realize that some people live in drama/anger/negativity/regret/feeling sorry for themselves/thinking the world owes them something/carrying a chip on the shoulder mindset. I don’t think these people realize they could change everything with a new and improved/different/more positive outlook. I don’t want to be judgmental, but the black cloud does seem to follow these people, doesn’t it? Just sayin’ :)  Hugs.



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