Saturday, January 27, 2024

Therapy might surprise and comfort you…

I pursued a degree in psychology because I’m fascinated by the dynamics between people, and I’m deeply curious about what we do and why we do it (fact based). Having said that, I didn’t exactly, willingly pursue individual therapy (deeply emotional and vulnerable!). I remember the prying question in my very first relationship/group therapy weekend workshop. We were each asked (16 people per class) why, in truth, we were there. I shyly admitted that I was really only there because my boyfriend, and future husband, felt I needed to formally address my family issues. It was quite terrifying being vulnerable in a room of complete strangers. Quite surprisingly though, I became mesmerized. I think there’s a perception that if you’re in therapy, you’re totally messed up and/or you’re a screw up. I came to realize that therapy is just a form of self care. For me, therapy became a very safe and comforting place, where I felt heard, understood and validated. I also learned a whole host of new, invaluable life skills. Most importantly, I found the emotional and mental stability needed to process life, without being reactionary and defensive, which I think this is a bit of a super power. You can more calmly invite collaborative discussions with the people you care about. Of course, this requires some sort of capability from those around you as well. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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