Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Shuffle your deck for a better outcome (add new skills?)…

I didn’t grow up having role models. I grew up having people I didn’t want to be like and seeing situations I’d never want to be in. Not all of us are dealt the right cards, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reshuffle your deck for a better outcome. 

— Unknown 

My big take away from extensive healing work (intensive therapy, life coaching, EMDR, a multitude of relationship workshops, energy work), is the importance of relationship/communication education. We graduate high school, move out of home soon after, and become full fledged adults. Odds are, we further our skills in pursuit of better paying jobs/advancing our careers. But do we further our relationship skills? I learned that mine were substandard, based on a lack of healthy role models. I feel extremely fortunate to have landed on a better path. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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