Monday, April 3, 2023

Stop the vicious (reactionary) cycle…

Feelings that have been pushed away do not actually disappear; they live on in the darkness of the Unconscious, pulling the strings in our relationships, our work, our self-expression, causing us to become reactive, compulsive, obsessive, depressed, anxious, and deteriorate our physical health until one day, we remember, all feelings have a right to exist in us. So we stop numbing ourselves, and feed them love, attention, curiosity and Presence. Now, they can finally come to rest.

— Jeff Foster 

Very well said. What we resist persists as the saying goes. Admittedly, it is NOT fun digging into all the old crap, but it’s worth it. You can stop the vicious cycle. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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