Monday, April 10, 2023

Let discomfort reveal its deeper secrets…

My spiritual guru has always been discomfort. Just sitting with pain or discomfort, without a goal in mind, without seeking anything - that’s the juicy place of creative transformation, the place where mud turns into gold. For many years, I would just sit with grief, frustration, anger, fear, pain, just resting in that bubbling, burning mess for hours and hours, without trying to escape or fix my experience, without hope, without a dream… until peace was discovered even in the midst of that storm, the unshakeable, non-conceptual, ever-present that I am, and have always been. Instead of trying to escape discomfort, we let discomfort reveal its deeper secrets. 

— Jeff Foster

My favourite therapist believes that just feeling what we’re feeling is a wonderful starting place. Then he would advise speaking about the feelings and writing about the feelings. And of course, with his guidance, there would always be various exercises, such as writing a letter, that you won’t necessarily send, to a person you’re in conflict with. All of this is meant to process and release the emotional tension and burdens. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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