Sunday, July 3, 2022

One day you’ll wake up and realize…

My Mom once said to me, I can tell you over and over to leave the situation, but you won’t until you are ready. One day you will wake up and realize that this isn’t what you want to feel like anymore and you’ll be done. And I think it’s important that everyone hears this.

— Unknown 

I can relate. A savvy coach called out my pattern of ending up with (or unknowingly choosing) domineering partners, similar to my father (Sorry Dad. You had lots of great qualities too!). Believe it or not, it happened one more time! But the awareness finally stuck and allowed me to identify key deal breakers, such as controlling tendencies, anger issues, lack of relationship teamwork. I ran into my ex not long ago actually and he asked me why, in truth, I left the relationship. I told him I’d thought a lot about this and felt we just weren’t on the same side. The best analogy I could come up with is that our marriage was like playing singles tennis across from one another, rather than playing doubles together vs the other team (outside world). I feel very fortunate to have learned this lesson. I’ve found my perfect partner and what a better quality of life it is, to have each other’s support and to take good care of each other. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck! XO



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