Thursday, July 14, 2022

Men deserve to be spoiled too…

Men, too, deserve to be spoiled, told they are handsome, told their efforts are appreciated and should also be made to feel secure. 

If he treats you like a queen, treat him like a king.

— Unknown

I met an interesting woman at a cocktail party a while back. A group of us were talking about what we do for a living and the woman told us she offers courses, and one-one-one coaching, on dating and relating. We said, “Interesting. What does that entail?” She explained that men and women tend to misunderstand one another and she helps bridge the gap. I ended up taking her weekend course and learned how to be a part of the solution in my relationships. I tested some of her tips, and voila. For example, when I really want something, I may say “You know what would be great honey? I would love to have a date night this week, maybe dinner and a movie on Friday night? Or I might say, “I’m thinking I’d love to go to away for my birthday. I’ve been dreaming of a California weekend, away from the rain?” I think pretty much every time, my honey has granted these hints/requests. I also learned that men are kinda short on appreciation, so I remember to be openly grateful and make sure he knows he’s my hero. Easy peasy. This little course has been a game changer. (Kim Sarasin is the dating and relating expert I worked with. I’m sure there must be others out there). Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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