Sunday, July 24, 2022

Most common regrets in life…

1. Too much time spent worrying

2. Not showing real feelings to loved ones

3. Caring too much about what others think  

4. Not following one’s passion 

5. Not living fully in the present and enjoying the amazing moments

6. Not enough travel

7. Not daring to take risks

8. Too little quality time with loved ones.

— Unknown

So many people are struggling with being present these days. There are a gazillion distractions, particularly with the never ending, 24/7 news cycle. We could be on our phones sun up to sun down and never be up to date on what’s happening. Personally, I’m trying to find new ways to unplug. For example, my sweetheart and I are away for the weekend and enjoying meandering, trying different restaurants, poking around in unfamiliar stores and enjoying movies in our hotel bed at the end of the day. All new activities and we’re feeling grateful to be away from from the usual, draining stressors. So! We’re realizing that getting out of town for us is a much needed mental health break that allows us to enjoy ourselves, each other and life more fully. Stay-cations, although cost effective, don’t seem to offer quite the same freedom, given the chores, bills and errand’y things staring at us. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 



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