Sunday, March 27, 2022

Plant the seeds…

Never let it be said that to dream is a waste of one’s time, for dreams are our realities in waiting. 

In dreams, we plant the seeds of our future.

— Unknown 

I’m chasing a very big dream as we speak. I’ve been chasing this vision for a long time now actually and I love fantasizing about this glorious future. My struggle tends to be in the how. How, precisely, do I get there and how do I cope with the inevitable road blocks and dead ends? And there have been many :/ Personally, I lean on a spiritual/philosophical approach, such as Eckhart Tolle’s advice: “Do not resist.” I’m not gonna lie though. I am guilty of the odd sulkfest, where some snark slips into a sweet weekend with my perfect, handsome mate. But I will catch myself, apologize and gear up for another week of rising to the occasion. I’ve also managed to quash the S’monday blues lately. Yay for that. Just sayin’ ; ) Hugs. XO



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