Friday, March 18, 2022

Good news for humanity…

Devastating loss of life and growing uncertainty have the world very much on edge, but there is a bit of good news for humanity: Benevolence is surging globally. 

That’s one of the key findings of the World Happiness Report, a publication of the UN Sustainable Network that draws on global survey data from people in about 150 countries… “The big surprise was that globally, in an uncoordinated way, there have been very large increases in all the three forms of benevolence that are asked about in the Gallup World Poll”…

Donating to charity, helping a stranger and volunteering are all up, “especially the help to strangers in 2021, relative to either before the panademic or 2020, by a very large amount in all regions of the world… the global average of the three measures jumped by about 25% in 2021 compared with pre-pandemic levels, the report says.

— Marnie Hunter, CNN March 18 2022

Just what the doctor ordered - some sunny news for a pre-spring Friday! Happy weekend everyone. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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