Thursday, August 12, 2021

We all fail…

We all face challenges, we all fail, and we will continue to disappoint others and ourselves. But the only true failure is to stop taking risks and placing bets. The key, I’ve learned, is to redefine how we internalize so-called “failure.” Expect there to be casualties along the way—just don’t let your self-worth be one of them.

— Sophia Amoruso (New York Times Bestselling Author and also named “a Cinderella of tech” by New York Times. At 22 she opened an online eBay store, Nasty Gal Vintage, which turned into a million dollar yearly revenue business after 6 yrs. Amoruso’s autobiography was adapted by Netflix into a TV show called Girlboss). 

The quote “Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation” comes to mind. I’m still in the preparation phase myself, Lol, and the challenges and failures are a gut punch when they happen. I’ve mourned, regrouped and recalculated a few times now… but I just can’t shake the vision of my dream life. I could give up and life will remain the same, or I can keep trying and I may just reach my cherished goal. No brainer really. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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