Friday, August 13, 2021

Sure of yourself…

Be Alone.

Eat alone, take yourself on dates, sleep alone. In the midst of this you will learn about yourself. You will grow, you will curate your own dreams, your own beliefs, your own stunning clarity, and when you do meet the person who makes your cells dance, you will be sure of it, because you are sure of yourself.

— Bianca Sparacino 

I can relate. I was determined that my last break up would be my final break up. It sucks to learn the hard way, but my goldilocks experience in romance allowed me to identify my deal breakers and must haves. Interestingly, my perfect partner also had a “list” of the qualities and lifestyle choices that would match his  needs and desires for a full, joyful life. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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