Saturday, April 24, 2021

The Covid blah’s...

It wasn’t burnout — we still had energy. It wasn’t depression — we didn’t feel hopeless, we just felt somewhat joyless and aimless. It turns out there’s a name for that: languishing.

Languishing is a sense of stagnation and emptiness. It feels as if you’re muddling through your days, looking at your life through a foggy windshield. And it might be the dominant emotion of 2021... the acute state of anguish has given way to a chronic condition of languish... It’s the void between depression and flourishing — the absence of well-being... dulls your motivation, disrupts your ability to focus and triples the odds that you’ll cut back on work. It appears to be more common than major depression... languishing is common and shared... By acknowledging that so many of us are languishing, we can start giving voice to quiet despair and lighting a path out of the void.

— Adam Grant (Organizational psychologist at Wharton, author of Think Again: the Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know and host of the TED podcast WorkLife)

Grant recommends uninterrupted time each day to feel transported; watch a trending Netflix drama, work on a challenging project, have a meaningful conversation, anything that will allow us to rediscover some of the energy and enthusiasm we’ve missed all these months. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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