Sunday, April 14, 2019

Your year...

If you want 2019 to be your year;
Don’t sit on the couch and wait for it.
Go out. Make a change.
Smile more. Be excited.
Do new things. Throw away what you’ve been cluttering.
Unfollow negative people on social media.
Go to bed early. Wake up early.
Don’t gossip. Show more gratitude.
Do things that challenge you.
Be brave.

— Unknown

I took this advice a few years back after a bad break up. It was humiliating because I had been dragging my heels on breaking it off. I’m still surprised, amazed and pretty happy at my response. I realized that putting off the hard decisions served me badly and I made immediate and lasting changes. I quit eating sugar because I felt it was a tiny crutch and maybe not the healthiest (with the odd treat after three years of cold turkey), I do one extra task at work each day, I made a new “list” for my perfectly compatible life partner, and gave myself permission to say no when needed. The results are actually astounding. I’m living the life of my dreams. More money would be cool, but I don’t need “things” to fulfill me anymore. Quite the freeing place to be and great for the bank account. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.XO



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