Friday, April 19, 2019

Get unstuck...

10 Ways to Get Unstuck in your life

1.   Change your song playlist.
2.   Start a new planner.
3.   Start working on a new habit.
4.   Move some furniture around in your room.
5.   Start a side hustle.
6.   Buy a new inspiring book.
7.   Start journaling for your mental wellness.
8.   Learn new things with online courses.
9.   Go on a trip (even a small one).
10. Change your style or hair color.

— Unknown

If I could go back in time, I would definitely pick one. It might have helped with the big change I needed to make. (I delayed ending a relationship and it cost me). Fortunately I turned a bad experience into a major turning point and the rewards keep coming. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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