Thursday, October 11, 2018

The perfect lifestyle (and then partner)...

Chances are, you won’t find the right love until you find the lifestyle you love.

— Lebo Grand (Author of The art of seductive living).

After trying to “fit a square peg into the round hole” I went back to the drawing board on my love life. I’m not sure what inspired me to do it, but I sat down and got really honest with myself. I thought about the things I love doing, the things I never want to do again and then I wrote out my perfect life. I gave myself permission to be not cultured enough, or not outdoorsy enough. I finally realized I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t pretend I enjoyed sitting on a bike all weekend, leaving the car behind (I’m a city girl. Hello?!). It took almost a year of tweaking my vision of my perfect life and then my 13/10 amazing man walked into my life. We saw each other from across the room, found our way over to each other, talked deep into the night and never looked back. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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