Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Peace and happiness...

I’m at a place in my life where my peace and happiness are my top priorities. I avoid placing myself around negative energy.

— Unknown

When I was younger, I used to vent a lot more and I have to admit, it felt kinda good. Sometimes you just gotta let off some steam. As life would have it though, my boyfriend at the time wasn’t super impressed. He led, or rather, pushed me toward better coping strategies. I ended up pursuing all kinds of avenues; spiritual healing, traditional therapy, energy work, relationship skills seminars, paradigm shifting books and more. I learned from all of these disciplines and I am soooo much the better for it. I’m not gonna lie. Taking a closer look at some of the emotional pit falls required a great deal of time, money, tears, humility, courage, effort, and then some. I gave up a lot of weekends going back in time, trying to repair some of the old foundation. I’ll tell you what though... for me at least, I found a proverbial pot of gold (materially, emotionally and all) on the other side of it all . Just sayin’:) Hugs. XO



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