Saturday, April 2, 2016

Negative a positive?...

According to, negative emotions are critical to our mental health and well-being. Attempting to suppress negative thoughts can actually backfire and affect our level of contentment in life. When we repress unpleasant thoughts, our subconscious will likely dwell on them and we may experience "rebound" dreams and/or self-medicate in potentially unhealthy ways.  Acknowledging and accepting the messiness of real life can help us evaluate and manage our experiences.

Some helpful advice...

"Instead of backing away from negative emotions, accept them. Acknowledge how you are feeling without rushing to change your emotional state. Many people find it helpful to breathe slowly and deeply while learning to tolerate strong feelings or to imagine the feelings as floating clouds, as a reminder that they will pass. I often tell my clients that a thought is just a thought and a feeling just a feeling, nothing more."

- Tori Rodriguez, Negative Emotions Are the Key to Well-Being, Scientific American Mind



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