Thursday, April 14, 2016

More on expressing needs and wants...

Extra Tips

Tip # 1: use as much first person language as you can. Using words like I, Me, My and mine help you access and express your truth.

Tip # 2: Ask for what you want more of instead of less of. If you catch yourself saying, 'I want you to stop being so messy', change it to 'I need more organization in our house.' By doing this we express our needs values and educate the other person on who we are and what is important to us. We are also better able to connect with the other person, and limit feelings of judgment and defensiveness.

Tip # 3: Be calm - be aware of your energy while you are speaking. Tone is what creates the majority of the impact in conversation. So stay centred, take a deep breath if needed, and fill your words with calm, grounded energy.

Expressing your needs and desires is essential for living a balanced and fulfilled life. Take time to check in with yourself regularly. If you feel stressed or out of balance , chances are there is a need not being met that wants to be honoured.

Compliments of Vince Gowmon

Words to live by :)



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