Saturday, February 6, 2016

Cleaning house...

It's a New Year and a perfect time to clean house, literally and figuratively. It always feels great to donate items we're not using to good will, freeing up space in our closets and somehow in our minds. Equally important to our well being is freeing up our emotional and mental energy, which may require minimizing contact with certain people and maybe walking away from others. As difficult as it is to throw away items of clothing or household goods that we think we may need down the road, we may also have to make some tough decisions around the people in our lives. How do we decide?? Well, with items, they say if we haven't worn or used something in a year, recycle it! With people... well, if the same old upsetting thing keeps happening, it may be time to walk away from the anxiety caused by certain dynamics and patterns of behaviour. Just sayin'...



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