Saturday, April 18, 2015

We're in this together...

Other than Jesus, Malcolm X, Gandhi, Buddhist Monks, Nuns, Saints etc... we can all fall victim to judgment and exclusionary behaviour ... Ick!... What is it about the "different" that can bring out the worst in us. We don't like the "culture" - the sound of the language is "weird", we can't relate to certain restrictions or lack thereof... and on and on... thing is, we're all in it together. Colour or culture aside, we are all human beings having very similar experiences on this planet, give or take sexual orientation, bank account balance, religious specifics etc... but we all struggle with family issues, friendship drama, challenges with succeeding or maintaining success, the environment, the government, etc.... SO! at the end of the day and whatever the language.... men are men, women are women and children are children... if we could think like this even once in a while, I wonder if the world could be a better place... worth a try anyway, right? ... I hope!!!! Hugs.



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