Thursday, April 2, 2015

Let's be loving;)

"Instead of trying to find the right person to love, let's make YOU more worthy of being loved. Rather than constantly asking your current partner to love you more, become more worthy of being being loved by them. And if you are worthy and they still leave, then they weren't the right one for you. To find love, you must ask yourself if you're giving as much love as you wish to get, or if you expect people to love you more than you love them or yourself. The old saying rings true: 'If your boat doesn't float, no one will want to sail across the ocean with you.'"

- Louise Hay and David Kessler, You Can Heal Your Heart

I guess it always comes back us, huh? ... why is it so easy to focus on others, wanting THEM to change and thinking about what we're not getting.... that whole lack mentality thing again... ugh;) ... but we can take care of ourselves, right? We can find new ways of spoiling ourselves and find greater happiness. I'm certain:) ... and then attract that great love (even if it's the one we're already with!), so they say...  Hugs.



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