Monday, February 2, 2015

"The God of Your own Understanding" ... for thought

"The God of Your Own Understanding"  Compliments of Sean Corne (Yogi)

When life has us on our knees ... when we're in a state of hopelessness ... we've grasped for relief and found none... maybe there's room for God, even for the nonspiritual, or nonreligious...

Many helping professions, (maybe all?), insist on finding something greater than ourselves in order to heal and cope with life. This doesn't go over well with lapsed Catholics and the like because many of us rejected the guilting and limiting philosophies early in life. Alternatively, many of us have found some brand of spirituality, which allows for broader definitions and notions of God ... guiding us back to ourselves, with an awareness that all we can control in life is our thoughts and actions. Some newer notions of God are ... God is everything and everyone... most simply expressed by some ... God is love.

(Taken from

We can be strong and tend to our armour. We can resist needing someone or something... but maybe an experiment in not being strong and allowing for new notions could be enriching. Hugs.



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