Past experience may have told you that it’s unlikely you’ll stick with doing anything dramatically different than before… After having weathered two years of never-before-seen global uncertainty, the ambivalence may have slid to helplessness. Why even attempt to set resolutions when I have no idea what will transpire in the coming months… However, I’ve also seen that even in the midst of uncertainty that you really can move forward on what’s important to you. And in fact, making a resolution and keeping it could greatly boost your sense of self efficacy, i.e. your belief in your ability to take action that benefits yourself and your situation.
Tips: assess your willingness (and if you don’t, in truth, want to make that particular change, don’t make that resolution), pick just one or two (otherwise resolutions become nice to have extra’s that we run out of time and interest for), commit to specific action (something you can put in your calendar, like booking two dates a month for family/friends, if that’s your priority), make it easy (for example only letting healthy food into the house, if a diet is in your thoughts), track your progress (on paper, or in a calendar to help with focus and consistency), consider enlisting support (partnering with a friend, colleague or mentor to encourage mutually positive goals and feedback)
— paraphrased from Elizabeth Grace Saunders article Should you Even Bother with New Year’s Resolutions This Year? (Saunders is a time management coach and founder of Real Life E Time Coaching and speaking. She is also the author of How to Invest Your Time Like Money and Divine Time Management)
For me, it’s typically sugar management. I’ve always had a sweet tooth and could frankly skip straight to the chocolate cake, leave the meat and potatoes, or what have you. But I know sugar is problematic if left unchecked. I’ve dabbled with various resolutions and I actually cut out sweets for 3/4 years. No question, a sugarless diet is a slimming one, Lol. I love that! I’ve since leaned toward dieting during the week, with a cheat day on the weekend (because life is just so buttoned down without desserts in my opinion, ha ha). So far that’s working pretty well, although I really do notice that sugar hit and high, which can be darn addictive. With 2022 arriving tomorrow, I’m going to stay with my mostly successful cheat day on the weekend and if the cheat day stretches out to many days in the week, I’ll reign it in with a sugar break for a few months, which seems to re-up my commitment to the cheat day/weekend set up. Just sayin’ ;) Happy 2022 and best wishes to you and your family for a great year. Hugs. XO