Thursday, December 2, 2021

Fake love vs real love…

Is fake love better than real love? Real love is responsibility, compromise, selflessness, being present, and all that shit. 

Fake love is magic, excitement, false hope, infatuation, and getting high off the potential that another person is going to save you from yourself.

— Melissa Broder (Excerpt from Broder’s essay on the subject) 

My favourite therapist says that when we meet someone new and exciting, we tend to wear our fantasy goggles and see this shiny person as our exact, perfect match. I’m happy to report that real love and fake love can co-exist. I managed to find the love of my life (after finding a few Mr Wrongs, Lol) and the relationship is perfect even when it’s not perfect. We’re a really easy match, with minimal friction and an ongoing desire to take tender with one another. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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