Friday, December 3, 2021

COVID burnout…

Figures extrapolated from a survey of 6,898 people working at companies with at least 100 employees across Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, Singapore, UK and US report that droves of workers have experienced burnout during the pandemic, which is causing at least 20 percent to seek new jobs. Employees are working big hours. “You’re always on, you’re always available, you’re always checking messages and there seems to be a lack of respect for the weekend.” 

The top three reasons for burnout were increased workload, insufficient compensation and mental health challenges. Jobseekers want their time and personal life to be valued and respected. 

— Excerpt from CTV News, Workers facing burnout during the pandemic: Ceridian report) 

That makes me feel much better about my sort of lifeless state lately. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO 



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