Day after day I had crossed the yard at my home to a small workshop to continue my quest to develop a cyclonic system for separating dust without the need for an easily clogged vacuum-cleaner bag.
I was usually covered in dust, getting deeper and deeper in debt, yet I was happy and absorbed. And the failures began to excite me.
‘Wait a minute, that should have worked. Now why didn’t it?’ I would scratch my head, mystified, then have another idea for an experiment that might lead to solving the problem…
Deirdre and our children never expressed doubt. They offered encouragement, love and understanding. The same is true of our friends. They must have thought I was mad and wasting my time, leading my family into penury. They never said so…
My tale is not one of being brilliant. I wasn’t even formally trained as an engineer or scientist. But I did have the bloody-mindedness not to follow convention, to challenge experts and to ignore Doubting Thomases…
After four years of building and testing 5,127 hand-made prototypes of my cyclonic vacuum cleaner, I finally cracked it… I did it because I had a burning desire to do so.
— James Dyson (Dyson is the inventor of the dual cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner. He is the fourth richest person in the UK with an estimated net worth of 16.3 billion pounds).
Wow. Very inspiring. It all began when Dyson’s new model Hoover, which lacked adequate suction. As a consumer he felt cheated and this frustrated him enough to want to solve the problem. He found the pores of the vacuum bags were too easily clogged. Four years of perseverance, living with debt, ignoring what people must think, embracing his family’s support. Very courageous and brave if you ask me. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO
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