Thursday, August 5, 2021

Wouldn’t go back…

What I Learned After 18 Months Away From Home

I have a theory about change. I believe that we experience it in four phases:

1. Panic!

2. Adaptation

3. New Normal

4. Wouldn’t go Back

Maybe my Wouldn’t Go Back moment is that I learned something important about myself here — that I am more flexible than I thought, that I can be happy in many different kinds of places, and that success takes many forms (and maybe even requires fewer hours). Maybe Boulder just taught me to be less rigid. Maybe it taught me to care for myself more. Then it’s up to me to do something with all of that. I am the one that must put it to use. I must take the best of what I knew, and combine it with the best of what I’ve learned, and do something so that I will say, with certainty, that I wouldn’t want to go back to a time before it.

— Jason Feifer (Editor in Chief of Entrepreneur Magazine)

I’ve had my own Covid awakenings. I still find myself thinking, planning, strategizing about work off hours, but I have committed to working smarter and not harder. Connecting with friends has become more important. Hell, connecting with just people in general has become more important. In a nut shell, work-life balance has become my main priority because otherwise the work just doesn’t stop. There is always more that could be done. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs, XO



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