Meet the Strategic Pause— adapted from A Minute to Think
The thing that’s missing for every weary worker out there is something I call white space, defined as a strategic pause taken between activities. If you embrace it, if you make room for it, the pain is going to subside and doors will open.
The term came from looking at the white unencumbered spaces between tasks on a paper calendar and realizing that seeing open time in the scheduling of a day was an indication of how much untapped potential that day could hold.
This marvellous white space is the time and thought for which we have no plans—uncommitted, flexible, fluid. It’s an element that was always ours—always present— but has slipped away amidst overbooked calendars, overflowing inboxes and the pressure to do more. It’s a counterintuitive necessity found in moments when we think deeply, in the possibilities of an under-scheduled day, or in the pauses of a wonderful conversation. It bears many fruits.
— Juliet Funt (Founder/CEO at JFG and author of A Minute to Think. Funt is a renowned keynote speaker who has worked with organizations such as Spotify, National Geographic, Costco, Abbott, Nike, PepsiCo, Wells Fargo, Sephora, Sysco and ESPN)
I don’t know about you, but I took a few deep breaths while reading these excerpts. The thought of unstructured time makes me feel relieved and free. I’ve also come to realize that days with no set appointments at work tend to be my most productive and fulfilling. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO
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