Wednesday, November 10, 2021

“Your heart has its own brain”…

Your heart has its own brain: a “heart brain.” It’s composed of neutrons similar to the neutrons in your head’s brain. Your heart brain communicates via your vagus nerve with your hypothalamus, thalamus, medulla, amygdala, and cerebral cortex. In this way, it gives your body helpful instructions… that’s why I suggest you call on your heart brain to perform a lot of the magic it specializes in: enhanced emotional intelligence, cultivating empathy, invoking deep feelings, and transforming pain.

— Rob Brezny

My favourite therapist says that acknowledging our feelings, and giving them the attention they deserve is the key to lasting happiness and healthy relationships. Once we know how we’re feeling, we can set good boundaries and make requests that support our well being. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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