Wednesday, November 3, 2021

From selling fax machines door to door to a billion-dollar empire…

Sara’s story is truly remarkable. She went from failing the L-SAT, to being a greeter at Disney World, to selling fax machines door to door, to turning $5,000 of her own savings into a billion-dollar empire. 

— Tony Robbins (on Sara Blakely’s $1.2 billion acquisition of Spank, “the company she founded 21 years ago with $5,000 in savings and a laser focused vision and commitment that totally changed the industry”). 

What can I say, I’m addicted to inspirational and motivational stories. It makes me feel better about my various, as yet, unsuccessful entrepreneurial ventures, Lol. My commitment to myself is that I’ll die trying. I know I have the passion, drive and perseverance. I also know my limitations and can bring in other experts to help. Now I just need a little luck. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO




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