Dr Ashley Gearhardt is a world leader in the study of food addiction. An associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan, she has created a first of its kind diagnostic tool called the Yale Food Addiction Scale. The scale mimics questionnaires used to diagnose other addictions like alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The markers for food addiction include intense cravings, loss of control, inability to stop despite knowing the negative impact, and a tendency to relapse. Using that scale, Gearhardt estimates that 15 per cent of people in North America have a physical addiction to food. Her research has pinpointed certain types of food that, in some people, trigger addictive eating. The are: pizza, fries, cheeseburgers, chocolate, potato chips, cookies and ice cream. The common denominator is that all these foods are stripped of nutrients and then highly processed, just like other addictive substances like cigarettes…Gearheardt says the same is true for highly processed fast food. She points to brain scans that show the same areas of the brain light up when eating those foods as when consuming illicit drugs.
— Avery Haines, Host and Managing Editor, W5 (CTV News)
Aha! My little battle, and ongoing inner negotiation (can I have a treat today, or should I take a couple more clean days and then treat myself again?) regarding chocolate/sugar makes sense now, Lol. I knew there was a bit of an addictive thing going on there. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO
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