Friday, July 12, 2024

The brain needs rest…

Your brain needs a rest 

Downtime matters, so lie down, sit still and take a break

Science shows it helps us to be healthier, more focused, more productive and more creative…Many of us feel as though we’re wasting time if we aren’t getting things gone, but research points to the costs of always being “on” and the importance of giving our brains a break. Our brains aren’t built to handle constant activity. Even the briefest moments of idle time, or pauses, are important, says Robert Poynton, author of Do Pause: You Are Not a To-Do List.

Well established research has shown low-level daily stress can create such intense wear and tear on our body’s physiological systems that we see accelerated aging in our cells, says Epel, who co-wrote the book The Telomere Effect. Resting, even briefly, benefits brain health…

New research has begun showing the negative effects cellphones can have on health…

Give your mind and body a rest:
  • Focus on nothing. Let your mind wander
  • Work your way up. Start small and simply exist
  • When in doubt, lie down. A deep, restorative state can improve physical and psychological well-being
— Jamie Friedlander Serrano, Washington Post (article paraphrased and edited for brevity) 

Good to know, and makes me feel better about my multitude of naps and little lie downs. Even during an important work day, I’m becoming more and more desperate for a tune out. It’s the whole “on” thing with society these days. Cell phones and technology are great for convenience and immediacy, when desired. But there’s such a huge downside to being reachable 24/7. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs and good luck. XO



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