Sunday, July 21, 2024

If you want others to see you, you must see yourself…

Be the love you never received. Be the acknowledgement you never got. Be the listener you always needed. Look at the younger versions of yourself within you and give yourself what it is you always needed. 

That is the first step of healing. If you want others to see you, you must see yourself. 

— Unknown 

Honestly, there is no way I would have been able to accept myself fully without professional help. There was so much to unpack with my childhood. As my favourite therapist says, our big issues are typically unconscious/subconscious, and pop up when we’re triggered by something or someone. I was diagnosed with father issues (which he said meant relationship issues) and a love-ability issue, in a group therapy weekend workshop. I thought the therapist was brilliant in this weekend seminar and I was intrigued to learn more. Thank God! I had no idea how big of a role I was playing in my relationship dysfunction. After therapy (excavating and resolving old stuff), which is also excellent education (learning how to be part of the solution in your relationships), I learned how to take proper care of myself and finally accepted myself for who I am. I met the love of my life less than a year later. I also excelled to new heights, and finances, in my career. Just sayin’:) Hugs and good luck. XO



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