Thursday, July 11, 2024

How to detach…

* Let people be who they want to be, then decide if you want them in your life. 

* Trust that rejection is always redirection to something bigger and better.

* Some people are only meant to help you grow, not be in your life forever.

* What if everything is falling apart to come together in a way you can’t guess?

* Focus only on what you can control.

— Unknown 

I’m not a religious person (lapsed Catholic), but I am spiritual and I find faith to be a pretty powerful support system. In my toughest moments (out of work during the post 2008 financial crisis and near bankruptcy, divorce, death of both parents), there was nothing to do but “surrender” to the moment and trust that I would survive and thrive again one day. I believe strongly in focusing on what you can control; work ethic, belief in oneself and a positive attitude. Just sayin’ :) Hugs and good luck. XO



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