Sunday, March 19, 2023

Link between gut health and mental health…

New research from the University of Missouri School of Medicine has established a link between irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) and mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation…

“One possible explanation is the so-called brain-gut axis,” said lead researcher Zahid Ijaz Tarar, MD, assistant professor of clinical medicine. “We’ve long suspected that dysfunction of the brain-gut axis is bidirectional, such that IBS symptoms influence anxiety and depression, and on the other hand, psychiatric factors cause IBS symptoms. Medical professionals need to treat both ends of the axis.”


I’ve suffered gut/digestive issues my whole life and it took an alternative/spiritual practitioner to diagnose and solve my particular symptoms. (Not IBS per se. More stomach aches and a sort of paralysis of the entire system. Not fun. Even with all the help, the less I eat the better I feel. My practitioner said it’s like your body’s too busy trying to “digest” life around you and has less time and energy to deal with the processing of food). Pretty interesting stuff in my opinion. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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