Saturday, September 25, 2021

Renewed gloom from Covid and adult tantrums…

If it seems like more people have a short fuse lately, you’re not wrong—at least, not according to the restaurant servers, airline workers and customer service trackers who say they have seen a wave of tantrums. At home, at work and out in public, many of us admit to blowups, which we soon regret.

The whipsaw of renewed gloom from the Covid-19 Delta variant following the burst of optimism from spring vaccinations makes the current pandemic phase more gruelling than past ones, psychologists say. It’s getting harder to muster empathy or regulate our knee-jerk reactions, they add. 

“When you anticipate something is going to be temporary, you’re able to absorb a higher level of stress,” says Pauline Wallin, a psychologist in Camp Hill, Pa. “When things don’t work out as expected it makes us more prone to be aggressive with ourselves and with one another,” she says.

 — Anne Marie Chaker, Wall Street Journal

My colleagues (and some clients too actually) and I were just talking about this. We had all been silently suffering with the almost creepy onslaught from customers. Feels good to know it’s a “thing” right now, and nothing to take personally. Fingers crossed that this dang virus can be brought under control sooner than later. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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