Saturday, September 11, 2021

Protecting your sense of wonder…

As we enter a transitional stage after a year of trauma and strain, more than ever we need ways to refresh our energies, calm our anxieties, and nurse our well-being. One potentially powerful intervention is rarely talked about in the workplace: The cultivation of experiences of awe. Like gratitude and curiosity, awe can leave us feeling inspired and energized. 

As a physician and a psychologist, we have facilitated hundreds of resilience and well-being workshops both before and during Covid for the military, physicians, educators, law enforcement, and in the business world. Helping participants to explore, experience, and recall moments of awe is one of the key scientifically supported strategies we engage in during our workshops and it’s been rewarding to see our participants benefit and bring what they’ve learned to their own organizations…

As you tap into something larger and your sense of self shrinks, so too do your mental chatter and your worries. At the same time, your desire to connect with and help others increases. People who experience awe also report higher levels of overall satisfaction and well-being.

— David P. Resell and Karen Reivich

It’s funny, I woke up thinking about travel today. I was thinking about new experiences, different food, other cultures... and then I happened on this notion of awe bringing inspiration, calm and renewed energy. That’s it — I’m going to book an adventure. Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO



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