Monday, May 17, 2021

Paying the price for increased productivity...

Remote workers are logging more hours, experiencing more stress and feeling less engaged with their work, according to a new survey... The survey found that 44 per cent of remote workers reported they were logging more hours of work than they were in pre-pandemic times. Of those, one in ten reported working an additional day, or more than eight extra hours per week... Candido said a lot of employees haven’t been taking their vacation days during the pandemic because they’re not able to travel or do a lot of activities they would normally do... Candido said these findings should be a cause for concern for employers. “They’re burning out,” She said. “They’re exhausted.”

— Jacki Dunham, 

Exactly! A lot of work an no play during Covid times. Hang in there everyone. Looks like we’re getting there finally! Just sayin’ ;) Hugs. XO 


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