Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Replacing New Year’s resolutions with more achievable “intentions”...

92% of people who set New Year’s resolutions don’t achieve them. Here are some insights on how to be the 8% that do.

Step 1: Don’t call them goals... use a different word: intention. Focus on elements within your control: your mindset, decisions and actions.

Step 2: Immerse yourself in gratitude for the loving/supportive people around you and celebrate all that you achieved in the past year (stayed healthy, got in touch with old friends, pivoted well, given the ongoing changes?).

Step 3: realign expectations and consider asking the most important people around you what they need from you. Surprisingly, this may take the pressure off and reduce the load.

Step 4: ask these four questions: 1) How will I know when this intention is achieved? 2) Can I accomplish this within 12 months? 3) Do I have access to the decision makers I need to influence in order to manifest my intention. If not, consider changing the intention to “expand my network/influence”. 4) What scares me about this intention? If the answer is “nothing,” please push yourself. We only grow outside of our comfort zone. These 4 questions will ensure that the intention is timely, measurable, within our realm of influence and ambitious enough. 

— Tiffany Dufu (Founder and CEO of The Cru... paraphrased from her article, How to Set Goals You’ll Actually Achieve). 

One of my coaches taught me about intention setting a few years back. I was in a pivotal place and realized I was in need of a much more fulfilling job and a far better romantic match/partnership. She told me to write out what I envisioned in my perfect job. What do my days look like? How does my manager/the company treat me? What are my hours/schedule? How does this position affect my personal life and my finances? How do I feel in this position? She told me to go through the same exercise when considering my ideal mate. How do we spend our days? How does he treat me? How do I feel in this relationship? This exercise worked like a charm for career and love! Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO 




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