Thursday, April 23, 2020

Will get you 100% respect...

10 Things that take 0 talent, but will get you 100 % respect:

1. Being on time
2. Work ethic
3. Effort
4. Body language
5. Energy
6. Attitude
7. Passion
8. Being coachable
9. Doing extra
10. Being prepared

— Unknown

I was one of those hardest hit by the 2008 financial crisis. Jobs were scarce in my field for a few years and the positions I was able to get paid less than half what I was accustomed to. Yikes. Scary times and I never expected the silver lining that followed. I managed to inadvertently cultivate a truck load of habits; maintain a daily ritual (coffee, check for important business updates, write out goals,  create plan of action), maintain fitness for physical/mental/emotional well being, be productive as though still employed, when job arrives do everything humanly possible to be indispensable. I finally landed my dream job and carried on with my daily rituals. Needless to say, I’ve enjoyed my highest earning years and more fulfillment than I thought possible. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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