Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Go to therapy?...

People in therapy are often in therapy
To deal with the people in their lives
Who won’t go to therapy

— Unknown

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, more than a quarter of American adults experience depression, anxiety or another mental disorder in any given year. Others need help with the death of a loved one, a relationship break up, an empty nest, serious illness, losing weight, losing a job, quitting smoking, substance abuse and the list goes on. The intention of therapy is to help people of all ages live happier and healthier lives. A psychologist allows one to talk openly in a neutral and non-judgemental environment and together, the patient and practitioner identify and adjust thought and behaviour patters that may be interfering with quality of life.

I’m a psychology major and I’m passionate about human nature, how we relate to one-another (or can’t relate to one-another), why we do the things we do (or don’t do things we could do), and the why’s. I’ve tried a number of different helping professions and I’ve found them all valuable in one way or another, but then again I love scrutinizing anything to do with the human condition. What I love best about “talk therapy” is the unconditional support. It feels loving to me in a way that I never experienced growing up. Just sayin’ :) Hugs. XO



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