Sunday, September 23, 2018

The little things...

Enjoy the little things...
— Unknown

I was one of the unfortunate people seriously affected by the finacial crisis of 2008. I never thought something like that would happen to me because jobs in my line of work are typically plentiful. It was a terrifying time and I had to cut expenses in every way imaginable. Dinners out, vacations and new clothes were just the first cuts. Thank God I love to write because morning coffee with a newspaper, pen and paper were my lifeline. Many years later, I’ve noticed a silver lining. I don’t spend the way I used to. Actually I don’t even think much about spending anymore. Sure, I still go out for some dinners and take a trip every year, but I save up for these extravagances and pay up front. I never thought I’d enjoy not spending money, but I feel safe and happy watching my bank balance grow. My grandfather was right after all. He said “save your money. There’s always something to buy and you never know when that rainy day will come.”Just sayin :) Hugs.



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