Saturday, September 15, 2018

Honest conversations...

Until people start having honest conversations about who they truly are, what demons they battle with, where they lack and what they truly want, love will continue to be a temporary experience... honesty and communication are key. Stop being afraid to speak on where you are.


Speaking honestly did not come easy for me. In my house people yelled and nothing got resolved. People pleasing and trying to be invisible were survival instincts. Not to crucify my parents (who I’m certain did their best), but I wasn’t exactly furnished with helpful relationship skills. Fortunately, I had an early interest in psychology and happened across some excellent relationship workshops that gave me life altering skills. Who knew. I still find it all to be a work-in-progress, but I now enjoy listening and trying to understand where people are coming from (rather than being defensive and self-righteous). There’s always a story. I believe we can be very cooperative and flexible if we’re motivated enough. Just sayin’ :) Hugs.



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